About Us

NMLL was formed in 1989 by local residents and representatives from local agencies.

With funding from Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE) their aim was to assist Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) residents of North Melbourne with English classes. By providing relevant and easy to understand information about services, they were also able to help residents connect with local agencies.

NMLL is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), a Learn Local Organisation (LLO) and a registered Neighbourhood House and is continuously expanding its education, training and community development programs to empower the CALD communities of North Melbourne.

Our Mission

To build the knowledge and skills of individuals and communities to assist them achieve their goals and participate successfully in the Australian community

Our Vision

NMLL will be North Melbourne’s leading centre for the CALD Community, recognised for enriching and empowering the lives of the people it serves.

Our Values


We are sensitive, understanding and caring in our service of each other and all people.


We are honest, accountable, transparent and fair in all our work and relationships.


We treat each person as we expect to be treated, offering acceptance and support in the face of challenges.


We develop and co-design effective, innovative and sustainable ways to fulfil our mission.


We build social cohesion by creating opportunities to engage and value everybody: we celebrate diversity.


We recognise and celebrate the efforts and achievements of our students and participants, their families, our staff and volunteers.

Corporate Information

ABN: 91 844 560 623

TOID (RTO Number): 6410

Incorporated association number: A 00 23 899P

“NMLL is a Registered Charity with the Australian Charity and Not for profit Commission (ACNC).”

Partners and Funding Bodies

Melbourne AMEP Logo
City of Melbourne Logo
Hotham Mission